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Don’t Turn Coyote Valley’s Wildlife Corridor Into a Mausoleum

On Thursday, November 30, the city of San Jose will hold a virtual community meeting to hear from the public about the Heritage Oaks Memorial Park, a massive project that threatens to block wildlife movement through Coyote Valley. Please use the form below to ask the city to require a supplemental environmental review to accurately […]

Tell San Jose: Don’t Roll Back Coyote Valley’s Protection

Update: Thank you to the many people who participated in the City of San Jose community meeting on August 28. The city definitely heard from the public that Coyote Valley needs to be protected from development, including along the Monterey Road corridor. The city is continuing to gather community feedback on this issue and eventually […]

Tell San Jose: Don’t Let Them Undo Coyote Valley’s Protection

2022-11-02 Less than 1 year ago, San Jose made the historic decision to protect Coyote Valley from industrial development. Now, the same landowners who tried to get a huge Amazon-style warehouse approved in Coyote Valley are back with yet another destructive development proposal, which would bypass local planning rules and convert 128 acres of open […]

Proposed Development Endangers Biodiversity in North Coyote Valley

2022-07-28 On June 8th, the San Jose Planning Commission voted 5-3 to direct city staff to conduct a more thorough review of environmental issues with a proposed development along the Santa Teresa ridge. The 17-acre property is ecologically part of Coyote Valley but the City planning maps show it as just north and outside of […]

Ask Planning Commissioners to Oppose New Coyote Valley Development

2022-06-07 On Wednesday, June 8, the San Jose Planning Commission will consider whether to approve a 5,900 square foot residence on environmentally sensitive, undeveloped land at the north end of Coyote Valley. The location includes an old canal that offers one of only two safe spots for wildlife to cross Santa Teresa Boulevard. Please tell […]

Tell San Jose: Don’t Impair Wildlife Movement in Coyote Valley

2022-03-06 On Tuesday, March 8, San Jose Planning staff will give a presentation to the City Council about potentially allowing new commercial activities like restaurants and beer gardens along Monterey Road in Coyote Valley. Please ask the City to ensure that any new uses do not increase harm to wildlife habitat and connectivity in Coyote […]

Tell County Supervisors: Coyote Valley is for Farmers and Climate Resilience

2021-12-10 On Tuesday, December 14, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors will consider whether to designate Coyote Valley a Climate Resilience District. This new designation will ensure that farmland in Mid and South Coyote Valley will not be taken over by luxury villas and estate homes for Silicon Valley billionaires. Please email the Supervisors […]

A Historic Moment: Coyote Valley Finally Protected From Urban Development

2021-11-23 Last week, San Jose took a historic step by declaring Coyote Valley a place for open space and farmland. The unanimous vote by the San Jose City Council reversed decades of misguided planning policy and declared over 3,000 acres of open space off-limits to urban development. We thank the City Council, staff, and all […]

Amazon-Style Warehouse/Distribution Center Threatens Coyote Valley

2021-11-03 In an alarming 5-4 vote on October 27, San Jose’s Planning Commission decided against protecting Coyote Valley. Rejecting the recommendations from Planning staff and the 36-member General Plan Task Force, they voted to recommend against changing the land use in North Coyote Valley from industrial development to open space and agriculture. It is up […]