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Habitat Agency Poised to Purchase 604 Acres in Coyote Valley

Good news! Soon, we hope to be celebrating the conservation of over six hundred acres of hillside land at the southern end of Coyote Valley. This land contains rare and endangered plant species as well as critical habitat for the endangered Bay checkerspot butterfly. This is a big win for the Protect Coyote Valley effort! […]

Flooding and Coyote Valley

    Many months later, the photographs from the 2017 Coyote Creek Flood look even more eerily strange–cars reduced to strange stranded shapes in flat brown water, homes becoming islands, neighborhoods besieged by flood.  But as odd and unreal as the pictures and the aerial drone footage look now, the effects on residents of neighborhoods […]

Rare, Endangered, and at Home in Coyote Valley

As some of the last remaining undeveloped flat land in Santa Clara County, Coyote Valley is the last place of refuge for several rare species that have been driven out of the rest of Silicon Valley by increasing development.  It holds the potential for more ecological restoration and regeneration, making it all the more important […]

San Jose’s Measure T: Protecting Coyote Valley

by Alice Kaufman, Legislative Advocacy Director of Committee for Green Foothills This November, San Jose voters will have the chance to help save Coyote Valley while also voting for disaster preparedness, public safety, and infrastructure. Measure T, a bond measure on the November 2018 ballot, will provide up to $50 million in funding for land […]

Why Preserving Coyote Valley Protects the Water Supplies for Silicon Valley

By Pat Ferraro. This article was originally published on the Sierra Club – Loma Prieta Chapter’s website. You can read the original post here.   “Coyote Valley acts essentially like a 7500-acre percolation pond and is the de facto forebay for the Santa Clara Groundwater Basin, which serves some 2 million residents and businesses in Santa Clara County. For […]

A History of Protecting Coyote Valley

Coyote Valley is a 7,400-acre area in southern San Jose and one of the last vestiges of Santa Clara County’s agricultural heritage. Still used today primarily for farming, it also functions as one of the few places where wildlife can migrate between the Diablo Range and the Santa Cruz Mountains. For decades, organizations have fought […]

Indigenous People Protecting Coyote Valley and Beyond

By Protect Coyote Valley Staff The following article is based on an interview with EkOngKar Singh Khalsa, Executive Director of the Amah Mutsun Land Trust (AMLT), to hear about the history of indigenous people in the Coyote Valley, and how they are helping conserve and protect the land today. Although not a member of the tribe, […]

It’s a Sign: Wildlife Crossing Marked in Coyote Valley

The San Jose City Council has taken a first step towards making Coyote Valley a safe passage for wildlife. In June, the Council voted to fund wildlife crossing signs on Monterey Road, a roadkill hot spot in Coyote Valley. We have been raising awareness of the need to conserve this area rich in natural and […]

To Build or Not to Build: Student Essay

By Helen – A 6th Grader in the Franklin-McKinley School District. Should we build a city or not in Coyote Valley? You might agree to build a city in Coyote Valley but in this situation, I don’t think we should. If we do build a city, the wildlife would decrease, the groundwater supply would be at […]

Thank You to our Volunteers!

By Chris Sturken The mission of Protect Coyote Valley is to protect and restore key ecological resources in the Valley that support regional biodiversity and improve groundwater storage and recharge for Silicon Valley. These resources include northern Coyote Valley’s wildlife corridor between the Santa Cruz Mountains and Diablo Mountain Range. They also include over 2,500 acres […]