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Tell San Jose: Don’t Impair Wildlife Movement in Coyote Valley


On Tuesday, March 8, San Jose Planning staff will give a presentation to the City Council about potentially allowing new commercial activities like restaurants and beer gardens along Monterey Road in Coyote Valley. Please ask the City to ensure that any new uses do not increase harm to wildlife habitat and connectivity in Coyote Valley.

What’s Happening

Photo by Pathways for Wildlife, Coyote Valley Bobcat and Gray Fox Wildlife-Vehicle Collision Analysis and Report

When the San Jose City Council voted in November 2021 to change the General Plan land use designation and zoning in North Coyote Valley to open space and agriculture, they also asked Planning staff to conduct a study about potentially allowing new commercial and recreational uses along the Monterey Road corridor. Now, Planning staff is asking the Council for further direction on the scope and budget of this study.

Why It’s Important

The City’s action last November protected Coyote Valley from massive industrial development – but Coyote Valley’s wildlife corridor is still very fragile. In particular, Monterey Road is a roadkill hotspot – more animals are struck and killed on Monterey Road than on any other road in Coyote Valley, including Highway 101. Furthermore, Coyote Creek, which runs along the back of the Monterey Road parcels, is a critical wildlife habitat area and movement corridor.

When the City Council voted to pursue the Monterey Corridor study, they stated that any new uses on Monterey Road must be compatible with the Coyote Creek Park chain and with broader environmental objectives for Coyote Valley. Since wildlife habitat and connectivity are an important part of these objectives, this study must ensure that there is no increased wildlife mortality on Monterey Road, no impairment of wildlife movement across the Monterey Road corridor, and no harmful impacts to habitat or movement along the Coyote Creek corridor.

This is only the beginning of the Monterey Corridor Study process. If the scope and budget are approved by the Council, a 2-year process will begin that will include community meetings and an Environmental Impact Report. We will continue to keep you informed of opportunities for you to weigh in on the Monterey Corridor Study.

What You Can Do

Please email the City Council and ask them to ensure that any new uses along Monterey Road do not increase harm to wildlife habitat and connectivity in Coyote Valley.