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Staedler: Coyote Valley for all, forever (San Jose Spotlight)

By Bob Staedler December 2, 2019 There are moments that we take for granted in terms of their importance for our environment and the well-being of our future generations. The conservation and preservation of 937 acres of Coyote Valley will be seen by future generations as an immeasurable gift. This gift was wrapped and delivered […]

Editorial: Council must fulfill San Jose’s Coyote Valley obligation (Mercury News)

The battle to protect Coyote Valley from development has been ongoing since Ronald Reagan was president in the 1980s. Success is finally within reach for those who have been fighting to maintain a pastoral expanse of farmland and open space on San Jose’s southern edges. The San Jose City Council can continue the momentum Tuesday […]

Measure T funding plans top San Jose City Council agenda ( San Jose Spotlight)

From 388 miles of street repairs to two new fire stations, flood protection and an emergency operations center, San Jose elected leaders on Tuesday will discuss projects funded by a newly-passed bond. Measure T, a $650 million bond for infrastructure, public safety and disaster preparedness, was approved by nearly 70 percent of voters in November. […]

San Jose Makes Plans for Coyote Valley (India Currents)

Under the watchful eyes of dozens of community activists who hours earlier had rallied outside on the plaza, San Jose’s City Council held a study session Jan. 22 to discuss plans for Coyote Valley. The valley is a 7,400-acre swath of farms and undeveloped land extending south from San Jose to Morgan Hill, between the […]

San Jose denizens show support to protect Coyote Valley (Philippine News)

By CESAR ANTONIO JR. NUCUM SAN JOSE City Mayor Sam Liccardo led a host of other passionate speakers who took turns in addressing a huge crowd that gathered in front of San Jose City Hall to show support to protect Coyote Valley which has been threatened by development for decades. Coyote Valley offers is irreplaceable: […]

Groups Rally To Protect Coyote Valley From Development (SF Gate)

SAN JOSE (BCN) A debate over a 7,400-acre stretch of public space at the edge of San Jose was revived Tuesday at a rally before the City Council’s discussion of a $650 million infrastructure bond approved by voters in November. Situated between the Santa Cruz mountains and the Diablo Range, Coyote Valley is a critical […]

綠色的基礎建設-Coyote Valley (News for Chinese)

1月22日San Jose的居民與綠地保留推動者在San Jose市政廳前的廣場舉行保留Coyote Valley綠地的宣導活動。當日晚間San Jose市議會將討論5千萬元的經費預算用於從私人地主手中購買Coyote Valley 7,400英畝的土地。購地經費是來自2018年11月投票通過的T提案,此提案批准6億5千萬元的資金用於改善,修建San Jose城市多處老化和損壞的基礎建設,其中5千萬配置於購買及保留Coyote Valley的開放空間。 Coyote Valley 長7英哩,寬2英哩。東至Mount Hamilton, Diablo Range,西至Santa Cruz山腳,北至San Jose, 南至Gilroy。這塊土地曾被私人開發商申請建造住宅,辦公樓,倉庫,商業樓宇。綠地保留推動人士非常反對土地開發的提議。Committee for Green Foothill行政主任Megan Fluke強烈表示“Coyote Valley對地區雨水吸收,淨濾空氣,維護野生物種生態都有至關性的重要。” 2018年2月出乎意料的龐大雨量導至多個水庫暴漲破提,洪水泛濫,造成San Jose城市嚴重淹水,財產損失高達2千3百萬元。雨季時,Coyote Valley土地的作用是吸收足量的雨水,控制流入Coyote Creek 的水量,減少溢流入San Jose市區內多個支流,以減低淹水的可能性與嚴重性。若將Coyote Valley 開發為水泥道路,建築物,吸收雨水的工能勢必減低。 Santa Clara Valley居民喝的飲用水三分之一來自當地雨水儲存的地下水庫,並非遙遠的Seirra山脈。開發Coyote Valley的土地只會污染地下水庫的水質。San Jose市議會必需明確得了解保護Coyote Valley為原始綠地的重要性,它關係著San Jose未來人身財產的保障及生態環境的永續。   參與1/22宣導活動的組織包括 Committee for Green Foothill, Amah Mutsun Tribe, Mothers Out Front, Sacred Heart Community Services, League […]