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Tell the City Council to Protect Coyote Valley

On Tuesday, June 11, the San Jose City Council will be considering the scope of the General Plan 4-Year Review. Please tell the City Council to include protection of Coyote Valley in the scope.

What’s Happening

Every 4 years, San Jose reviews the General Plan and considers possible revisions. Much has changed at both the city and state level since the last 4-Year Review, and the urgency to address human-induced climate change locally is clear.

It is time to revisit the city’s vision for Coyote Valley. The decades-old plan of sprawling industrial campuses paving over Coyote Valley is outdated. Moreover, policies adopted by the City and ballot measures passed by voters in recent years clearly point to development in infill areas, and protecting Coyote Valley as open space.

Click here for more information about the history of the Protect Coyote Valley campaign.

Take Action!

We are planning to be at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, June 11. and we need you there with us. Send a letter and consider RSVPing to hold a Protect Coyote Valley sign from 1:00-2:00pm. One of our organizers will be at the top of the council chambers to give you a sign.