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Vernal Pools: Coyote Valley’s Seasonal Special

As part of our campaign to protect Coyote Valley, we’ve talked a lot about its remarkable biodiversity and the different types of habitats you can find within it. But while most of the habitats in Coyote Valley are present year-round, there’s a very special one that exists only in the rainy season. Meet the vernal […]

Picking Up Good Migrations

Picking Up Good Migrations Coyote Valley provides a permanent home to a wide variety of creatures, from colorful insects to wandering bobcats. But the creatures that live in the Valley year-round don’t make up all of the landscape’s remarkable biodiversity. In addition to the residents critters, Coyote Valley plays summer and winter home to many […]

3 Ways to Help Coyote Valley in 2019

Happy new year, fans of Coyote Valley! 2019 is here and with it a host of opportunities to help environmental efforts near you. When it comes to preserving the Peninsula’s most endangered landscape, here are some specific things you can commit to doing in this new year. We’re excited to use the momentum of the […]

A Conversation with Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley

Recently, Protect Coyote Valley talked with Laura Hawkins, the Executive Director of local wildlife rescue and rehabilitation organization, the Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley (WCSV).  Longtime fans of their adorable videos of convalescing critters, we wanted to find our more about the work that goes into helping injured wild animals animals survive and thrive in […]

Rare, Endangered, and at Home in Coyote Valley

As some of the last remaining undeveloped flat land in Santa Clara County, Coyote Valley is the last place of refuge for several rare species that have been driven out of the rest of Silicon Valley by increasing development.  It holds the potential for more ecological restoration and regeneration, making it all the more important […]

6 Wild Animals to Track in Coyote Valley

  Chances are if you’ve been out on a hike in Coyote Valley, you’ve seen animal tracks throughout the area. Before you go on your next hike, flip through our guide, 6 Animals & Their Tracks, to make your time a little more fun. Tracks are like clues to a great puzzle. They teach us who’s […]

It’s a Sign: Wildlife Crossing Marked in Coyote Valley

The San Jose City Council has taken a first step towards making Coyote Valley a safe passage for wildlife. In June, the Council voted to fund wildlife crossing signs on Monterey Road, a roadkill hot spot in Coyote Valley. We have been raising awareness of the need to conserve this area rich in natural and […]

Coyote Valley Land Bridge: Saving Animals, Protecting People

By Galli Basson, Open Space Authority of Santa Clara Valley As anyone who lives in the Bay Area knows, a high-speed train connecting Northern to Southern California is in the works after being approved by voters in 2008. With the rail line planned to run through Coyote Valley, the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority […]

Wildlife Safety, Open Space Conservation, and Romance

  Meet Tanya Diamond and Ahiga Snyder, researchers who specialize in identifying, monitoring, and implementing connectivity designs for wildlife movement. What does that mean? They work with land trusts and conservation organizations like Protect Coyote Valley to track local wildlife and evaluate the best ways to co-exist with it. Imagine a bobcat roaming to find food, water, […]

Coyote Valley: Despite Progress, New Threat Looms

by Mackenzie Mossing, Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society and Megan Medeiros, Committee for Green Foothills Nestled in the southern reach of San Jose, Coyote Valley is a beautiful, unique and irreplaceable landscape of regional importance. More than 200 species of local and migratory birds can be found in Coyote Valley, as they seek sustenance in […]